Stark Education Partnership is a catalyst, engaging and collaborating with education, business, civic and community stakeholders to drive sustainable improvement and innovation to provide all students with education and career success.

SEP serves education, business, and community organizations in the Stark County region as a connector and partner. SEP collaborates with local foundations to ensure a continued focus on meeting emerging needs and works in complementary fashion with other nonprofits throughout the region.
When you give to SEP:
YOU are supporting local students in career exploration
& planning
YOU are allowing students to learn through work-based experiences
YOU are giving students access
to training and employment opportunities
YOU are contributing to the economic vitality
of Stark County
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Preparing for a Future That Doesn't Yet Exist
Issues (February 21, 2025) – Most of today’s middle school students will enter the workforce in careers that have not yet been created. Recently, Justin Henry, Board of Education Vice President, and I were discussing this topic after he heard at a business meeting that 65% of current 7th grade students will have jobs that do not...
Career Connected Learning’s Essential Relationship with Business/Community Partners
Issues (January 24, 2025) – Now in our third year of the Stark Career Pathways Initiative, SEP relies upon local business, community, and university partners to engage students. The effort each contributes realizes our vision “to build generations of successful individuals who fulfill their potential and grow roots in Stark...
Career Connected Learning program ‘connects’ students to businesses
The Repository (January 6, 2025) – More than ever, Stark County students are actively engaging with professionals from various sectors this school year through exciting speaker sessions, tours of local colleges and companies, shadowing experiences and mini-internships — all as part of Stark Education Partnership’s...
Big Accomplishments by SEP’s School Partners
Issues (December 20, 2024) – It’s hard to believe that winter break is almost here! Our schools are offering numerous incredible programs and opportunities to connect students with college and career paths. Our partner high schools have been busy, with 9th graders completing the YouScience Discovery instrument to explore...
Your Investment Impacts Local Students
Issues (November 22, 2024) – Thank you for being a friend of Stark Education Partnership (SEP). We pray that all is well with you, and that you have many blessings for which you are thankful in this month set aside for Thanksgiving. We are grateful for the ever-growing number of partners and supporters of career-connected...
Building A Workforce Through Partnerships
Issues (October 25, 2024) – In today’s competitive job market, businesses must seek innovative strategies to secure a skilled workforce through partnerships with local schools. Career Technical Education (CTE) programs across the U.S. are developing skilled tradespeople to fill critical vacancies nationwide. By partnering with...

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Trent Robinson
Stark County
“YouScience helped me learn about myself…I always knew I was good with numbers, and the YouScience results confirmed that and helped me understand why. I think YouScience is interesting and useful for students – especially students who are searching for a career.”

Rick Baxter
Alliance Area Development
"Our schools and businesses are very excited for the work that SEP is doing to help students learn about career paths that fit their skills and interests – and then connecting those students with local businesses that have jobs matching those skills and interest. SEP is helping Alliance meet our biggest need, workforce development."

Kimberly Woodruff
Alliance High School Pre-Med CTE teacher