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Strategic Plan

In 2021-2022 SEP met with over 75 individual stakeholders and organizations in a series of listening sessions and workgroups. The overarching message from a diverse array of stakeholders across Stark County was that SEP plays an important role in the community, yet there are opportunities to continue adapting, evolving, and maximizing impact. A consistent theme of these conversations was that workforce needs are critically important and gaining momentum as a focus area. 


SEP’s strategic plan reflects the input of the community and is designed to work in synergy with the
efforts of other community partners. The Plan focuses on three key, interrelated strategies that work together to meet SEP’s vision to build generations of successful individuals who fulfill their potential and grow roots in Stark County.


SEP recognizes that the challenges it seeks to address are multifaceted and require action from multiple angles. Thus, each strategy is supported by a range of tactics designed to work together and continually evolve as SEP catalyzes new initiatives and identifies new opportunities to serve the community. 

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Strategy 1

Create Pathways to
In-Demand Jobs through Talent Development

Strategy 2

Foster Best Practices, Innovation, and Technology in Education

Strategy 3

Enable Strategic Action through Communication, Data, and Research


Underlying all of SEP’s work is a belief that individuals thrive, as does the community they are part of, when we create opportunities for an individual’s interests and abilities to find their alignment with local career opportunities.


SEP’s strategies work at the intersection of each student’s interests, abilities, and opportunities. SEP looks to make an impact by ensuring individuals have a greater opportunity to identify their interests, develop in-demand skills, and connect to local job opportunities.


© 2024 Stark Education Partnership, Inc.

400 Market Avenue North - Suite B, Canton, OH 44702-1551   •   330-452-0829

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